Not just a product – get the amount of services by experts with the tools that meet your specific needs.
Finally .. the MultiValue world can rely on a firm that specialized in all things MultiValue, from support to modernization to application development.
Have it your way.
Whether you manage all aspects of your order management from end to end, or you prefer to partner with a services firm to handle your warehousing and shipping – CirclePub has a solution for you.
CirclePub leverages the extensive development of the company’s Order Management ERP, CircleHub, with the needed extensions to support publishers that manage and operate all aspects of their ERP process.
For publishers looking to outsource their warehousing and shipping, CirclePub has a complete integration with Publishers Storage and Shipping (PSSC) – and in fact, CirclePub is the core process that drives PSSC’s outstanding CoreLogic™ system.

Don’t settle for generic ERP that doesn’t fit … or an outdated system
Standard ERP systems are not built for the unique needs of the publishing industry, and lack the myriad integrations needed by publishers. Most “packaged” solutions for publishers are built on aging technology.
CirclePub is built on the AdaptableObjects™ platform, which easily supports constant addition/ upgrading of integrations to the base product as needed.
Our slogan at Circle is … Starting where the others stop™.
CircleHub was design from the inception to be 100% adaptable across the application. It is built on our AdaptableObjects™ process, which allows ANY function in the application to be added, modified, moved, removed, re-architected – whatever is needed to specifically fit the current need. And the system remains 100% upgradable and supportable.
Leverage a leading services firm
Over 300 publishers rely on PSSC to handle their warehousing and shipping, from their growing geographical network of warehousing facilities across the country.
With CirclePub, publishers have a direct connection to PSSC, with no need to build and support integration to their warehousing partner. Visibility into information about orders, shipments, and warehouse status is available from the PSSC CoreLogic system, which enhances a publisher’s ability to access important information about their products.

AND it’s fast .. REALLY REALLY fast!
CirclePub was designed to take full advantage of the architecture of its database, and due to the dramatic advances in server technology, the entire system is running directly in memory, rather than from the mechanical (or SSD) drive. This means that access to individual records is always instantaneous, and reporting functions are dramatically faster than in any competing environment .. and all without the need for an expensive DBA !!