The Tech

Unprecedented flexibility.
Lightning-fast speed.
99.9999% up time.


Next-generation technology.

Better performance, flexibility and ROI absolutely requires next-generation technology. For omnichannel ERP, the key technology is the database, which needs to be the best of both worlds – a blindingly fast database, but one that maintains the ability to be accessed using traditional SQL tools when it’s necessary to “play nice” with the old school kids.

All of the large, bloated, antiquated vendors in the ERP space use one of the large, bloated, antiquated SQL databases. They’re inflexible, slow, and require at least one full-time person just to administer them.

CircleHub is built upon Rocket Software’s MultiValue Application Platform – an application server with both an embedded database and extensive onboard extensions and tools. Advantages abound:

  • Fundamental table/record/field structure – provides SQL support if and when needed.
  • Additional dimensions of data structures (called “values”) below field level, allowing logical grids of data to be stored within a single record. No more separate header and line item records, it’s all in one record.
  • Virtually unlimited length of any field/value (2GB).
  • Uses memory (caching) for any data accessed, so the “working set” of data can live in memory. Virtually all data is available from RAM resulting in blinding speed.
  • Runs as an application server with an integrated development environment. This takes full advantage of the RAM database with rules on the server.
  • Extensions constantly being added to the application platform environment, such as automatic data encryption, database replication, web service handling both inbound and outbound, integration with development tools like Visual Studio – and more.
  • The application server runs very effectively in a VM, and can run in the cloud as a hosted solution, or run on premise. Complete flexibility for every customer.

Technology Architecture

The Circle Commerce technology stack is constructed specifically to deliver unparalleled flexibility, performance, and durability. As many business systems do, Circle Commerce utilizes a three-tier architecture – but with a twist.

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Adaptable Objects

Adaptable Objects™ is not simply software – it’s an entire tech ecosystem that allows Circle Commerce software to be fit to the specific and unique needs of every customer where needed – yet remaining completely supportable and upgradable.

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Cloud/Saas/On Premise

In today’s world, it’s crucial to be able to meet the varying requirements of customers from an infrastructure standpoint, ranging from the traditional licensed ”on premise” model, to a full Cloud/SaaS deliverable. Circle Commerce’s order management system/omnichannel business management system can address not only these two distinctly different delivery models, but can use its tremendous flexibility to offer more granular choices to address more specific customer needs.

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Want to take a deeper dive?

Talk with a development specialist to discuss how Circle Commerce Manager can be uniquely tailored to meet your unique requirements. Call 800-554-2472 or launch a chat.